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Trump Georgia Indictment, August 15, 2023.

Our summarizing engine brought the original 28,678 word indictment down to 6,707 words for easier understanding and without losing accuracy.

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Summarized Document:

Defendant Donald John Trump and several others were indicted for their involvement in a conspiracy to unlawfully change the outcome of the 2020 United States presidential election in favor of Trump. The indictment alleges that the defendants engaged in various criminal activities, including false statements, forgery, and perjury. The indictment also states that the defendants operated as a criminal organization, with connections and relationships among its members, and conducted their activities in multiple states, including Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia. The Defendants and other members of an enterprise engaged in various illegal activities to further their goals and manipulate the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. These activities included making false statements and soliciting state legislators and high-ranking state officials in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. They also created and distributed false Electoral College documents in an attempt to disrupt the joint session of Congress and unlawfully change the election outcome in favor of Donald Trump. Similar schemes were carried out in other states as well.

A group of individuals, including the defendants, falsely accused an election worker in Fulton County, Georgia, of committing election crimes in an attempt to change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election in favor of Donald Trump. They harassed and intimidated the election worker and solicited her to falsely confess to crimes she did not commit. They also solicited high-ranking officials in the Department of Justice to make false statements to Georgia government officials. Additionally, they solicited the Vice President to unlawfully reject Electoral College votes from Georgia and other states. The group unlawfully accessed secure voting equipment and voter data, stealing and distributing it to other members. They filed false documents, made false statements, and committed perjury to obstruct the investigation and cover up their actions.

This legal document describes a series of actions taken by individuals, including former President Donald Trump and his associates, in an alleged conspiracy to falsely claim voter fraud and overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. The actions include making false statements, holding press conferences, sending emails and text messages, and making phone calls to state legislators, all in an effort to challenge the election results. These actions are described as overt acts in furtherance of the conspiracy.

In November 2020, Rudolph Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, and Donald Trump were involved in a conspiracy to unlawfully appoint presidential electors from Pennsylvania. They made false statements about election fraud and solicited Pennsylvania legislators to appoint electors. They also met at the White House to discuss a special session of the Pennsylvania General Assembly. Giuliani and Ellis made phone calls to Pennsylvania legislators for the same purpose. These actions were overt acts in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 15: Rudolph Giuliani left a voicemail for the Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, soliciting him to unlawfully appoint presidential electors from Pennsylvania. This was part of a conspiracy.

Act 16: Giuliani again left a voicemail for the Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, soliciting him to unlawfully appoint presidential electors from Pennsylvania. This was also part of the conspiracy.

Act 17: Giuliani and Jenna Ellis appeared at a meeting of Arizona legislators, where Giuliani made false statements about election fraud and solicited the legislators to unlawfully appoint presidential electors from Arizona. Ellis also solicited the legislators to do the same. Donald Trump joined the meeting by telephone and made false statements as well. These actions were part of the conspiracy.

Act 18: Michael Roman instructed an individual to coordinate with individuals associated with the Trump Campaign to contact state legislators in Georgia and other states, encouraging them to unlawfully appoint presidential electors. This was part of the conspiracy.

Act 19: Donald Trump and Mark Meadows met with John McEntee and requested a strategy to disrupt and delay the joint session of Congress on January 6, 2021, by having Vice President Pence count only half of the electoral votes from certain states and returning the remaining votes to state legislatures. This request was part of the conspiracy.

Act 20: Giuliani and Ellis met with Arizona legislators, where Giuliani made false statements about election fraud and solicited the legislators to call a special session of the Arizona State Legislature. These actions were part of the conspiracy.

Act 21: Rudolph Giuliani and Jenna Ellis made false statements about election fraud in Michigan and urged Michigan legislators to unlawfully appoint presidential electors.

Act 22: Donald Trump tweeted in support of hearings in Georgia, which was an act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 23: Giuliani, Eastman, Ellis, and Smith unlawfully solicited Georgia senators to appoint presidential electors in violation of their oath of office.

Act 24: Giuliani made false statements to Georgia senators about mail-in ballots and Dominion Voting Systems, which constituted a felony offense. These acts were part of a conspiracy.

Ray Stallings Smith III committed the felony offense of making false statements and writings during a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee meeting in Fulton County, Georgia. He made various false statements about illegal voting activities in the November 3, 2020, presidential election in Georgia. Donald John Trump also made tweets and phone calls that furthered the conspiracy by spreading false information about election fraud in Georgia and discussing special sessions of the Pennsylvania General Assembly.

In December 2020, former President Donald Trump and his associates engaged in various acts to influence the Georgia General Assembly and manipulate the election results. These acts included phone calls, tweets, written agreements, and emails, all aimed at pressuring officials to call a special session and manipulate the electoral process. These actions were deemed overt acts in furtherance of a conspiracy.

On December 7, 2020, Rudy Giuliani retweeted a message calling for action in Georgia to ensure fair elections. On the same day, John Eastman emailed Giuliani a memorandum advocating for Trump electors in Wisconsin to cast electoral votes for Trump, despite his loss in the state. On December 7 and 8, Donald Trump requested information and made false statements to Georgia officials regarding election fraud. These actions were considered overt acts in furtherance of a conspiracy.

In December 2020, several individuals, including Donald Trump, engaged in a conspiracy to gather support and cast electoral votes for Trump in certain states where he had lost the presidential election. They communicated through phone calls, text messages, and emails to coordinate these efforts. This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

In December 2020, Kenneth John Chesebro sent emails and documents to Republican Party members in Nevada and Pennsylvania, urging them to cast electoral votes for Donald Trump despite his loss in the presidential election. David James Shafer also contacted a co-conspirator to discuss attendance at a meeting of Trump elector nominees in Georgia. Rudolph William Louis Giuliani and Ray Stallings Smith III were charged with soliciting public officers to unlawfully appoint presidential electors in Georgia. These acts were considered overt acts in furtherance of a conspiracy.

Act 56: Rudolph Giuliani is accused of making false statements and representations about election fraud in Georgia. He allegedly claimed that votes were being stolen, officials were covering up crimes, and illegal ballots were counted.

Acts 57-60 involve other individuals who are accused of engaging in activities to further the conspiracy to overturn the election results in favor of Donald Trump.

Act 61: On December 11, 2020, Kenneth John Chesebro sent an email with attached documents to Michael A. Roman and others, intending to use them to cast electoral votes for Donald John Trump in Georgia, despite Trump's loss in the presidential election.

Act 62: On December 12, 2020, David James Shafer discussed attendance at a meeting of Trump elector nominees in Fulton County, Georgia, furthering the conspiracy.

Act 63: On December 12, 2020, Michael A. Roman sent an email instructing individuals associated with the Trump Campaign to populate a spreadsheet with information about Trump elector nominees in multiple states, despite Trump's loss in those states.

Act 64: On December 12, 2020, Kenneth John Chesebro met with Brian Schimming and Rudolph William Louis Giuliani to discuss the meeting of Trump elector nominees in Wisconsin, with Giuliani stating that the media should not be notified.

Act 65: On December 12, 2020, Michael A. Roman instructed an individual associated with the Trump Campaign to distribute information about the meetings of Trump elector nominees in multiple states to others involved in the campaign.

Act 66: On December 12, 2020, an individual known to the Grand Jury sent an email to Michael A. Roman and David James Shafer, providing updates on the organization of the meeting of Trump elector nominees in Fulton County, Georgia, furthering the conspiracy.

Act 67: On December 12, 2020, David James Shafer sent an email to an unindicted co-conspirator advising them to contact Trump elector nominees in Georgia to confirm their attendance at a meeting. This was an act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 68: On December 12, 2020, an unindicted co-conspirator sent a text message with contact information for another individual to Michael A. Roman, with the purpose of providing the information to Rudolph William Louis Giuliani. This was an act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 69: On December 13, 2020, Kenneth John Chesebro sent an email with attached documents to Michael A. Roman, to be used by Trump elector nominees in New Mexico to cast electoral votes for Donald John Trump, despite his loss in the state's presidential election. This was an act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 70: On December 13, 2020, Kenneth John Chesebro sent an email to Rudolph William Louis Giuliani outlining strategies to disrupt and delay the joint session of Congress on January 6, 2021. This was an act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 71: On December 13, 2020, Kenneth John Chesebro sent an email with attached documents to Michael A. Roman and an unindicted co-conspirator, to be used by Trump elector nominees in Georgia to cast electoral votes for Donald John Trump, despite his loss in the state's presidential election. This was an act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 72: On December 13, 2020, Kenneth John Chesebro sent an email stating that Rudolph William Louis Giuliani wanted to keep their activities quiet until after the December 14, 2020, meeting of Trump elector nominees in Fulton County, Georgia. This was an act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 73: On December 13, 2020, David James Shafer sent a text message to an unindicted co-conspirator, stating that another individual would attend the December 14, 2020, meeting of Trump elector nominees in Fulton County, Georgia, in place of a nominee who refused to participate. This was an act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

On December 13th and 14th, 2020, several individuals, including David James Shafer, conspired to manipulate the electoral process in Georgia in favor of Donald Trump. They planned to attend a meeting of Trump elector nominees and encouraged others to sign a document falsely claiming to be the duly elected presidential electors from Georgia. They also communicated through text messages, emails, and tweets to further their conspiracy. These actions violated various laws, including impersonating public officers and engaging in racketeering activity.

Act 80, Act 81, and Act 82 describe the criminal actions of several individuals, including David James Shafer, Shawn Micah Tresher Still, and Cathleen Alston Latham, along with other unidentified co-conspirators. These individuals are accused of committing various felonies related to forgery, false statements and writings, and filing false documents. The charges stem from their alleged involvement in creating and submitting a fraudulent document titled "CERTIFICATE OF THE VOTES OF THE 2020 ELECTORS FROM GEORGIA" with the intent to deceive and defraud. These acts are considered racketeering activity and were done in furtherance of a conspiracy.

On December 14, 2020, David James Shafer and Shawn Micah Tresher Still committed multiple felony offenses in Fulton County, Georgia. They forged a document titled "Notice of Filling of Electoral College Vacancy" and falsely claimed to hold positions in the 2020 Georgia Electoral College Meeting. They also instructed others to deliver the false document to the Office of the Governor of Georgia. Additionally, Stephen Cliffgard Lee attempted to influence a witness in the investigation of events at State Farm Arena during the November 3, 2020, presidential election in Georgia. These actions are considered racketeering activity and overt acts in furtherance of a conspiracy.

Act 88: On December 15, 2020, Stephen Cliffgard Lee attempted to influence witness Ruby Freeman, an election worker in Fulton County, Georgia, by misleading her and offering help to influence her testimony regarding the November 3, 2020, presidential election at State Farm Arena. This act is considered racketeering activity and an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 89: Between December 15, 2020, and January 4, 2021, Stephen Cliffgard Lee solicited Harrison William Prescott Floyd, associated with Black Voices for Trump, to assist in speaking to Ruby Freeman. Lee claimed that Freeman was afraid to talk to him because he was a white man. These actions were in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 90: On December 18, 2020, Donald John Trump met with Rudolph William Louis Giuliani, Sidney Katherine Powell, and others at the White House to discuss strategies and theories to influence the outcome of the November 3, 2020, presidential election. This included seizing voting equipment and appointing Powell as a special counsel to investigate voter fraud allegations. This act was in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 91: On December 21, 2020, Sidney Katherine Powell sent an email instructing the Chief Operations Officer of SullivanStrickler LLC to provide her and other co-conspirators with all data obtained from Dominion Voting Systems equipment in Michigan. This act was in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 92: On December 22, 2020, Mark Randall Meadows attempted to observe a signature match audit at the Cobb County Civic Center in Georgia, despite it not being open to the public. He spoke to various officials who prevented him from entering the audit space. This act was in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 93: On December 23, 2020, Donald John Trump made a phone call to Office of the Georgia Secretary of State Chief Investigator Frances Watson, arranged by Mark Randall Meadows. During the call, Trump falsely claimed to have won the November 3, 2020, presidential election in Georgia and stated that Watson would be praised when the "right answer" comes out. This act was in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 94: On December 23, 2020, John Charles Eastman sent an email discussing the uncertainty of the election and suggesting that hearings and discussions on the constitutionality of the Electoral Count Act could be avoided. This email was an act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 95: On December 25, 2020, Donald John Trump called the Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, Rusty Bowers, and solicited him to unlawfully appoint presidential electors from Arizona. Bowers refused to do anything illegal. This phone call was an act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 96: On December 27, 2020, Mark Randall Meadows sent a text message to the Chief Investigator of the Georgia Secretary of State's Office, asking if there was a way to speed up signature verification in Fulton County with financial assistance from the Trump campaign. This was an act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 97: On December 27, 2020, Donald John Trump solicited the Acting Attorney General and the Acting Deputy Attorney General to make false statements about the election being corrupt. This was an act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 98: On December 28, 2020, Jeffrey Bossert Clark attempted to commit the offense of making false statements by knowingly and willfully making false documents about concerns regarding the election outcome in multiple states, including Georgia. He also requested authorization to send these false documents to Georgia officials. These acts were in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 99: On December 28, 2020, Jeffrey Bossert Clark asked the Acting United States Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General to send a false document claiming concerns about the election outcome in Georgia to state officials. This was part of a conspiracy.

Act 100: On December 30, 2020, Donald Trump tweeted that there were hearings in Atlanta about overturning the Georgia election and called for Governor Brian Kemp to resign. This was part of the conspiracy.

Act 101: On December 30, 2020, Donald Trump tweeted a link to a live broadcast of the hearings in Atlanta about overturning the Georgia election. This was part of the conspiracy.

Act 102: On December 30, 2020, Rudolph Giuliani, Ray Stallings Smith III, and Robert David Cheeley solicited certain Georgia Senators to unlawfully appoint presidential electors from Georgia, violating their oath of office. This was part of the conspiracy.

Act 103: On December 30, 2020, Rudolph Giuliani made false statements to Georgia Senators about fraudulent ballot counting, illegal voting by felons, and deceased individuals voting in the Georgia election. This was part of the conspiracy.

Act 104: On December 30, 2020, Ray Stallings Smith III made false statements to members of the Georgia Senate regarding the November 3, 2020, presidential election, violating state law. This act is considered racketeering activity and a part of a conspiracy.

Act 105: On December 30, 2020, Robert David Cheeley made false statements to members of the Georgia Senate regarding the November 3, 2020, presidential election, violating state law. This act is considered racketeering activity and a part of a conspiracy.

Act 106: On December 30, 2020, Donald John Trump tweeted false information about voter fraud in Georgia, furthering the conspiracy.

Act 107: On December 31, 2020, Jenna Lynn Ellis wrote a memorandum to Donald John Trump outlining a strategy to disrupt and delay the counting of electoral votes on January 6, 2021. This act is considered an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

On December 31, 2020, Donald Trump and John Eastman filed a false document in Fulton County, Georgia, containing multiple false statements about the presidential election. On January 1, 2021, Kenneth Chesebro sent an email outlining a strategy to disrupt the joint session of Congress on January 6, 2021. On January 2, 2021, Scott Hall made a lengthy phone call discussing the election with Jeffrey Clark, and Clark later solicited the Acting Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General to send a false document to Georgia officials. These acts were part of a conspiracy.

Act 112: On January 2, 2021, Donald Trump and Mark Meadows allegedly committed the felony offense of solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer in Fulton County, Georgia. They are accused of unlawfully soliciting the Georgia Secretary of State to unlawfully alter and influence the certified returns for the November 3, 2020, presidential election.

Act 113: On January 2, 2021, Donald Trump allegedly committed the felony offense of false statements and writings in Fulton County, Georgia. He is accused of knowingly making false statements to the Georgia Secretary of State and other officials regarding various aspects of the November 3, 2020, presidential election. These statements were within the jurisdiction of state government agencies and are considered an act of racketeering activity.

Act 114: On January 3, 2021, Donald Trump tweeted about alleged voter fraud in Georgia, suggesting the Secretary of State had no knowledge of it, which is seen as part of a conspiracy.

Act 115: On January 3, 2021, individuals involved in the conspiracy made several phone calls and sent text messages to each other and others. These communications included unsuccessful calls to an election worker and calls to undisclosed co-conspirators.

Act 116: On January 4, 2021, one individual recruited by another traveled from Chicago to Atlanta to contact an election worker, as part of the conspiracy.

Act 117: On January 4, 2021, the recruited individual attempted to contact the election worker but was unsuccessful. They falsely claimed to be a crisis manager and spoke with the worker's neighbor before leaving.

Act 118: On January 4, 2021, the recruited individual called the election worker and claimed she was in danger. They requested a meeting at a police department, which was seen as an act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

On January 4, 2021, three individuals, Stephen Cliffgard Lee, Harrison William Prescott Floyd, and Trevian C. Kutti, engaged in illegal activities related to the November 3, 2020, presidential election in Georgia. They solicited false statements and writings from Ruby Freeman, an election worker, with the intent to influence her testimony in an official proceeding. They also engaged in misleading conduct towards Freeman and communicated with each other and other individuals involved in the conspiracy through phone calls and text messages. These actions were overt acts in furtherance of the conspiracy and are considered felony offenses.

Act 123: On January 4, 2020, John Charles Eastman called Speaker Rusty Bowers and asked him to unlawfully appoint presidential electors from Arizona. Bowers declined and stated he would not violate his oath of office. This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 124: On January 4, 2021, Kenneth John Chesebro sent an email to John Charles Eastman outlining strategies to disrupt and delay the joint session of Congress on January 6, 2021. This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 125: On January 4, 2021, Donald John Trump and John Charles Eastman met with Vice President Mike Pence and others, arguing that Pence could reject electoral votes or delay the joint session of Congress to allow certain state legislatures to unlawfully appoint electors in favor of Trump. Eastman admitted both options violated the Electoral Count Act. This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 126: On January 5, 2021, Jenna Lynn Ellis wrote a memorandum outlining a strategy to disrupt and delay the joint session of Congress on January 6, 2021. This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 127: On January 5, 2021, several individuals involved in a conspiracy made multiple phone calls to each other and others. These calls were considered overt acts in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 128: On January 5, 2021, Donald Trump tweeted from his Twitter account, stating that the Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors. This tweet was considered an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 129: On January 5, 2021, John Charles Eastman met with Vice President Mike Pence's Chief of Staff and Counsel to request that Pence reject certain slates of presidential electors during the joint session of Congress on January 6, 2021. This meeting was considered an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 130: On January 5, 2021, Donald Trump met with Vice President Mike Pence and pressured him to decertify the election results, implying he lacked courage and was doing a disservice.

Act 131: On January 5, 2021, Donald Trump called Mike Pence and attempted to persuade him to reject the election results or return them to state legislatures.

Act 132: On January 5, 2021, Donald Trump called Mike Pence and asked if he received a letter urging Congress to return electoral votes, telling him to be tough.

Act 133: On January 5, 2021, Donald Trump issued a statement through his campaign falsely claiming that Pence had the power to decertify the election results.

Act 134: On January 6, 2021, Cathleen Latham and Scott Hall discussed Hall's request to assist with breaching election equipment in Georgia, which was an act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 135: On January 6, 2021, Donald Trump spoke at a rally, made false statements about election fraud, solicited Pence to disrupt the joint session of Congress, and encouraged attendees to march to the Capitol, all in furtherance of the conspiracy.

On January 6, 2021, Rudolph Giuliani, John Eastman, and Donald Trump engaged in various acts to disrupt and delay the joint session of Congress for counting the presidential election votes. They made false statements about election fraud and solicited Vice President Mike Pence to take action. Trump also tweeted and called Pence to pressure him, while Eastman sent an email suggesting violations of electoral laws. These acts were considered overt acts in furtherance of a conspiracy.

In January 2021, several individuals were involved in a conspiracy to unlawfully breach election equipment and tamper with electronic ballot markers and tabulating machines in Coffee County, Georgia. They also possessed official ballots outside of the polling place without authorization and stole information, data, and software from Dominion Voting Systems Corporation. These actions were considered racketeering activity and overt acts in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 148: Sidney Katherine Powell, Cathleen Alston Latham, Scott Graham Hall, and Misty Hampton were charged with the felony offense of computer invasion of privacy in Coffee County, Georgia. They used a computer to examine personal voter data without authorization.

Act 149: the same individuals were charged with conspiracy to defraud the state in Coffee County, Georgia. They unlawfully conspired and agreed to steal voter data from Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

Acts 150-153: unindicted co-conspirators accessed data from Dominion Voting Systems equipment at the Coffee County Board of Elections Registration Office in Coffee County, Georgia. These acts were considered racketeering activity and overt acts in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 154: Misty Hampton allowed two unindicted co-conspirators to access non-public areas of the Coffee County Board of Elections Registration Office and facilitated their access to Dominion Voting Systems equipment. This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 155: On April 22, 2021, an individual directed the transmission of data copied from Dominion Voting Systems equipment to an attorney associated with Sidney Powell and the Trump Campaign. This was considered racketeering activity and an act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 156: On September 17, 2021, Donald Trump unlawfully solicited the Georgia Secretary of State to engage in conduct violating their oath of office. This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 157: On September 17, 2021, Donald Trump made a false statement to the Georgia Secretary of State regarding the number of false and irregular votes. This was considered racketeering activity and an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 158: On April 25, 2022, David Shafer made false statements to investigators from the Fulton County District Attorney's Office regarding his attendance and preparations for a meeting of Trump presidential elector nominees. This was considered racketeering activity and an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

Act 159: Sidney Katherine Powell is accused of making false statements during a deposition with the United States House of Representatives Select Committee. She denied involvement in efforts to access voting machines in Georgia and Michigan.

Act 160: Cathleen Alston Latham is accused of committing perjury during a deposition in a court case in Georgia. She made false statements about her presence at the Coffee County Board of Elections Registration Office and her interactions with individuals involved in the unlawful breach of election equipment.

On September 15, 2022, Robert David Cheeley was charged with perjury in Fulton County, Georgia. He allegedly made false statements under oath before the Fulton County Special Purpose Grand Jury. The false statements include claims that he was unaware of a meeting of Trump presidential elector nominees, had no substantive conversations about the meeting, never suggested the meeting take place, only communicated with one person about the election, and never connected John Eastman with any other legislators. These statements were material to Cheeley's involvement in the meeting and his communications with others. The alleged acts are considered racketeering activity and an overt act in furtherance of a conspiracy. These acts were not isolated and are interconnected with other related acts.

Rudolph Giuliani, John Eastman, Jenna Ellis, and Ray Smith III have been charged with the offense of solicitation of violation of oath by public officer. They are accused of unlawfully soliciting elected members of the Georgia Senate to appoint presidential electors from Georgia in violation of their oath. Giuliani has also been charged with making false statements and writings by falsely claiming that mail-in ballots were counted without being returned and that voting machines in Michigan recorded votes for the wrong candidate. These charges are contrary to the laws of Georgia.

Ray Stallings Smith III is being charged with making false statements and writings during a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee meeting in Fulton County, Georgia. The accused allegedly made multiple false statements about illegal voting activities in the November 3, 2020, presidential election. These statements were made to members of the Georgia Senate and are in violation of Georgia law.

Donald John Trump is being charged with solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer. The accused allegedly unlawfully solicited the Speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives, David Ralston, to engage in conduct that would constitute a felony offense of Violation of Oath by a Public Officer. This was done by calling for a special session of the Georgia General Assembly to unlawfully appoint presidential electors from Georgia, in violation of the accused's oath of office.

Rudolph William Louis Giuliani and Ray Stallings Smith III are being charged with solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer. The accused, along with unindicted co-conspirators, allegedly unlawfully solicited certain elected members of the Georgia House of Representatives during a House Governmental Affairs Committee meeting. They requested these representatives to engage in conduct that would constitute the felony offense of Violation of Oath by a Public Officer. The conduct involved unlawfully appointing presidential electors from Georgia, in violation of the representatives' oaths of office.

Rudolph Giuliani has been charged with making false statements and writings to members of the Georgia House of Representatives regarding the 2020 election. He claimed that election workers were stealing votes, officials were covering up crimes, illegal ballots were counted, and USB ports were being used to manipulate voting machines. David Shafer, Shawn Still, and Cathleen Latham have been charged with impersonating public officers by falsely presenting themselves as presidential electors from Georgia. They sent a document titled "CERTIFICATE OF THE VOTES OF THE 2020 ELECTORS FROM GEORGIA" to various individuals, intending to mislead them. These actions are against Georgia state laws.

In Count 9, Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and others are charged with conspiring to impersonate public officers in Georgia between December 6 and December 14, 2020. They allegedly conspired to mislead various officials into believing that certain individuals were duly elected presidential electors from Georgia.

In Count 10, David Shafer, Shawn Still, and Cathleen Latham are charged with forgery for creating and submitting a document titled "CERTIFICATE OF THE VOTES OF THE 2020 ELECTORS FROM GEORGIA" to the Archivist of the United States on December 14, 2020, falsely claiming it was made by the duly elected presidential electors from Georgia.

The Grand Jury in Georgia has charged Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and others with conspiracy to commit forgery and false statements. They are accused of creating and using a false document titled "Certificate of the Votes of the 2020 Electors from Georgia" with the intent to defraud. These actions took place in Fulton County, Georgia, between December 6th and December 14th, 2020.

In these legal charges, Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and others are accused of conspiring to commit false statements and writings related to the 2020 election in Georgia. They are alleged to have knowingly made and used a false document titled "Certificate of the Votes of the 2020 Electors from Georgia" containing false statements. Additionally, David Shafer, Shawn Tresher Still, and Cathleen Latham are accused of attempting to file false documents by placing the same document in the mail addressed to a U.S. District Court. These actions are said to be in violation of Georgia state laws.

In these legal charges, Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and others are accused of conspiring to file false documents related to the 2020 election in Georgia. They are specifically charged with knowingly filing a document containing a false statement about the certification of electors for President and Vice President. Additionally, David Shafer and Shawn Tresher Still are charged with forgery for creating a document that falsely claimed to be authorized by Georgia's presidential electors. These actions are alleged to have been done with the intent to defraud.

In Count 17, Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and others are charged with conspiracy to commit forgery in Georgia. They allegedly conspired to create a document titled "RE: Notice of Filling of Electoral College Vacancy" with the intent to defraud. The document falsely claimed to be authorized by Georgia's presidential electors and was delivered to the Archivist of the United States and the Governor's Office.

In Count 18. David Shafer and Shawn Tresher Still are charged with making false statements and writings in Georgia. They allegedly created a false document titled "RE: Notice of Filling of Electoral College Vacancy" claiming that Shafer was the Chairman and Still was the Secretary of the 2020 Georgia Electoral College Meeting. The document was submitted to the Georgia Secretary of State and the Governor's Office, violating state laws.

In these legal documents, Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Kenneth Chesebro, Ray Smith III, Robert Cheeley, Michael Roman, and Stephen Lee are being charged with various offenses related to the 2020 Georgia election. They are accused of conspiring to make and use false documents containing false statements about the Georgia Electoral College Meeting. Additionally, Stephen Lee is charged with attempting to influence witnesses by engaging in misleading conduct towards an election worker and attempting to influence her testimony in an official proceeding. These charges are in violation of Georgia state laws.

Jeffrey Bossert Clark is charged with the criminal attempt to commit false statements and writings in the state of Georgia. He is accused of knowingly and willfully making false statements in a document regarding concerns about the outcome of the election in multiple states, including Georgia. He sent an email requesting authorization to send the false document to various government officials. Rudolph Giuliani, Ray Stallings Smith III, and Robert David Cheeley are charged with solicitation of violation of oath by public officer. They are accused of unlawfully soliciting certain public officers to appoint presidential electors from Georgia in violation of their oath of office. These actions are contrary to the laws of Georgia.

Rudolph Giuliani, Ray Smith III, and Robert Cheeley have been charged with the offense of making false statements and writings in Georgia. They allegedly made false statements about the 2020 presidential election during a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee meeting. The statements included claims of fraudulent ballot counting, illegal voting by felons and deceased individuals, and inaccuracies in the election. These statements are within the jurisdiction of state government agencies and law enforcement.

Donald Trump and John Charles Eastman have been charged with filing false documents in Georgia. They knowingly and unlawfully filed a document containing false statements about illegal voting in the 2020 presidential election. They claimed that felons, underage individuals, unregistered voters, individuals using postal office boxes as their address, and deceased individuals had voted illegally. They also alleged deliberate misinformation at a polling location. Additionally, Donald Trump and Mark Randall Meadows have been charged with solicitation of violation of oath by public officer. They unlawfully solicited Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to alter certified election returns, violating the oath of office. These actions are contrary to Georgia laws.

In Count 29, Donald John Trump is charged with the offense of making false statements and writings. He is accused of knowingly and unlawfully making false statements about the November 3, 2020, presidential election in Georgia to the Georgia Secretary of State and other officials. These false statements include claims about mysterious ballot drops, voter fraud, and fraudulent awarding of ballots.

In Count 30, Stephen Cliffgard Lee, Harrison William Prescott Floyd, and Trevian C. Kutti are charged with conspiracy to commit solicitation of false statements and writings. They are accused of conspiring to solicit Ruby Freeman, an election worker, to make false statements about the November 3, 2020, election at State Farm Arena in Georgia. Trevian C. Kutti traveled to Fulton County and made phone calls to Ruby Freeman as part of this conspiracy.

Stephen Cliffgard Lee, Harrison William Prescott Floyd, and Trevian C. Kutti have been charged with the offense of influencing witnesses in the state of Georgia. They are accused of misleading Ruby Freeman, an election worker, in order to influence her testimony regarding events at State Farm Arena during the November 3, 2020, presidential election.

Sidney Katherine Powell, Cathleen Alston Latham, Scott Graham Hall, and Misty Hampton have been charged with conspiracy to commit election fraud in Georgia. They are accused of conspiring to tamper with electronic ballot markers and tabulating machines in the state. Powell specifically entered into a contract and made payments to facilitate this tampering, while Latham, Hall, and Hampton aided and encouraged the tampering.

Four individuals, Sidney Katherine Powell, Cathleen Alston Latham, Scott Graham Hall, and Misty Hampton, have been charged with conspiracy to commit election fraud in the state of Georgia. They are accused of unlawfully conspiring and agreeing to have certain individuals possess official ballots outside of the polling place between December 1, 2020, and January 7, 2021. Sidney Katherine Powell is further accused of entering into a contract with SullivanStrickler LLC, making payments, and causing employees to travel for the purpose of possessing official ballots outside of the polling place. Cathleen Alston Latham, Scott Graham Hall, and Misty Hampton are accused of aiding, abetting, and encouraging employees of SullivanStrickler LLC in accessing election equipment for the same purpose. These actions are in violation of Georgia state laws.

Four individuals, Sidney Katherine Powell, Cathleen Alston Latham, Scott Graham Hall, and Misty Hampton, have been charged with conspiracy to commit computer theft and conspiracy to commit computer trespass in the state of Georgia. They are accused of unlawfully conspiring to use a computer without authorization to take information, data, and software belonging to Dominion Voting Systems Corporation. Sidney Katherine Powell is alleged to have entered into a contract and made payments to SullivanStrickler LLC, causing employees to travel to another county for the purpose of using a computer without authority. Cathleen Alston Latham, Scott Graham Hall, and Misty Hampton are accused of aiding and encouraging the use of the computer without authority to remove voter data and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation data. These actions are in violation of state laws and disrupt the peace and order of Georgia.

Four individuals, Sidney Katherine Powell, Cathleen Alston Latham, Scott Graham Hall, and Misty Hampton, have been charged with conspiracy to commit computer invasion of privacy and conspiracy to defraud the state in Georgia. They are accused of unlawfully conspiring to use a computer to examine personal voter data without authority. Sidney Katherine Powell entered into a contract and made payments to a company, causing its employees to travel to another county to access voter data without authority. Cathleen Alston Latham, Scott Graham Hall, and Misty Hampton aided and encouraged the employees in accessing election equipment for the purpose of stealing voter data. These actions are in violation of Georgia state laws.

Donald John Trump is being charged with solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer and false statements and writings in the state of Georgia. The charges stem from his alleged solicitation of Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to unlawfully decertify the election results and make false statements about the number of fraudulent votes. Additionally, David Janies Shafer is also being charged with false statements and writings for making false statements during an investigation by the Fulton County District Attorney's Office.

Robert David Cheeley has been charged with perjury in the state of Georgia. It is alleged that on or about September 15, 2022, Cheeley knowingly and unlawfully made false statements before the Fulton County Special Purpose Grand Jury. These false statements include claiming to be unaware of a meeting of Trump presidential elector nominees, denying substantive conversations about the meeting, denying suggesting the meeting, claiming his only communication with John Eastman was for legal representation purposes, and denying connecting Eastman with any other Georgia legislators. These statements are considered material to Cheeley's involvement in the meeting and his communications with others involved.